Sellie, Alycia. 13 zine reviews for Zine World: A Reader’s Guide to the Underground Press 30.5, 2012. Print.
Sellie, Alycia. “Critical Teaching in the Library.” Rev. of Critical Library Instruction: Theories and Methods. Feminist Collections: A Quarterly of Women’s Studies Resources 32.1, Winter 2011: 10-12. Print.
Sellie, Alycia. “Comics in the Curriculum.” Rev. of exhibition. SHARP News 19.3, Summer: 8-9. 2010. Print.
Sellie, Alycia. “A Return to Madison, Through Print.” Rev. of the Library History Seminar XII: Libraries in the History of Print Culture Conference. Library History Roundtable Newsletter 4.20, Fall 2010. Web.
Sellie, Alycia. “Riot Grrrl Lives!: 28 Zines.” Rev. of Telegram Ma’am / Your Pretty Face is Going to Hell! Zines. Library Journal, 19 Aug. 2010. Web.
Ruswick, Jannelle and Alycia Sellie. “I Promise I Won’t Say ‘Herstory’: New Conversations Among Feminists.” Feminist Collections: A Quarterly of Women’s Studies Resources 30.1 Winter 2009: 7-11. Print.
Sellie, Alycia. “Native Americans.” Magazines for Libraries. 17th ed. Edited by Cheryl LaGuardia. New Providence: ProQuest, 2008: 702-706. Print.
Sellie, Alycia. “Zines.” Rev. of Ideas in Pictures Zine. Library Journal 133.4 1 Mar. 2008: 120. Web.
Sellie, Alycia. “Young Activists and the New ‘No Wave’: Two Anthologies for a Feminist Future.” Feminist Collections: A Quarterly of Women’s Studies Resources 28.1 Fall 2006: 7-8. Print.
Sellie, Alycia. “Lib Lit.” (Part of “Your Zine Tool Kit”) Library Journal 131.11 June 15, 2006: 36-38. Print.
Sellie, Alycia. “Zines from the Stacks: Self-Published Tracts from Lady Library Workers.” Feminist Collections: A Quarterly of Women’s Studies Resources 27.2-3 Winter-Spring 2005: 36-40. Print.